What does obedience to the Holy Spirit entail?

AFC Team

Obedience to the Holy Spirit entails a faithful observance of the commandments of God, the laws and precepts of the Church, and just civil laws.

Without the help of the Holy Spirit, we can do nothing to obtain our Salvation. He gives us the power to make a lasting commitment to Christ and the strength needed to keep that commitment.

We should allow the Holy Spirit to guide our lives. He will bend our wills and touch our hearts if we let Him. We should pray each day for the strength to say yes to whatever the Holy Spirit wants to accomplish in us.

Our Christian witness is especially powerful when we defend the values of God rather than those of the world. Our Lord called us “the salt of the earth,” and “the light of the world” (cf. Mt 5:13-14). Therefore, we should take an interest in and participate in civic affairs, so that we can carry the principles of Christ into the world.