What is the Beatific Vision?

AFC Team

The Beatific Vision is an immediate vision of God.

We believe that the just who have been made perfect through death and Purgatory are now in Heaven, though they have neither risen in the body nor undergone the final judgment. We are called to glorify God in Heaven in a perfect manner by loving Him and surrendering ourselves to Him. God is the highest Good, Whom we shall not only know and love, but also live in, in a mysterious sharing of His life.

This face-to-face union with God is the happiness of Heaven. God will give the saved or predestined a full flowering of supernatural life in Heaven because He is infinitely merciful. They shall be with Him forever.

The Beatific Vision is a union with God. God possesses the soul and the soul possesses God in a unity which is so complete that it is infinitely beyond the happiness of any human love. This happiness is eternal; man was created for Heaven, the only place where he can truly be happy.