What are the conditions for gaining an indulgence?

AFC Team

The conditions for gaining a plenary indulgence are:

a. One must be baptized and in the state of grace.

b. One must receive Holy Communion each time a plenary indulgence is sought.

c. One must go to confession several days preceding or following the indulgenced action. A single sacramental confession suffices for gaining several plenary indulgences.

d. One must have a disposition of mind and heart which totally excludes all attachment to sin, even venial sin, otherwise one can only gain a partial indulgence.

e. One must pray for the intentions of the Holy Father, the Pope, preferably one “Our Father” and one “Hail Mary,” however, any other pious prayer may be substituted.

f. One must have at least a general intention to gain a plenary indulgence.

g. One must perform the indulgenced work. (For example, at least a half hour of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament; or the recitation of the Rosary with your family or others, or privately before the Blessed Sacrament; or at least a half hour of pious reading of or listening to Sacred Scripture; or walking the Stations of the Cross in a church or with a properly erected display of the stations.)

The conditions for gaining a partial indulgence are:

a. One must be baptized and in the state of grace.

b. One must be inwardly contrite [have at least a striving intention to cut oneself off from all attachment to sin].

c. One must have a general intention to gain an indulgence.

d. One must fulfill the action prescribed in one of the three general grants of indulgences (see question 217).