What is temptation?
Temptation is an invitation to sin that comes from either within us or from outside us. Temptations are not sins. Sin occurs only when we consent to a temptation. With God’s help we can resist them.
Temptation is an invitation to sin that comes from either within us or from outside us. Temptations are not sins. Sin occurs only when we consent to a temptation. With God’s help we can resist them.
In Baptism, God unites our soul to Himself. God’s love, the Holy Spirit, is poured into our soul. Our soul is lifted to a new kind of life which is a sharing in God’s own life. Although Baptism gives us the supernatural gift of sanctifying grace, it does not bring us some special gifts which Adam and Eve alone received, …
Yes, God personally and directly creates each soul and infuses it into the body. We must believe that the human race is descended from Adam and Eve, our first parents, and that Adam’s and Eve’s souls were directly created by God. Husbands and wives cooperate with God in the formation of the human body. But the soul, which makes that …
One special gift God gave Adam and Eve at their creation was original holiness and justice. Original justice consisted in the basic supernatural gifts of sanctifying grace, the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit, and the infused virtues, especially the theological and cardinal virtues. God also gave Adam and Eve the preternatural gifts, namely capacities and powers above and beyond …
God gave Adam and Eve a commandment to worship Him by an act of sacrifice: they were not to eat the fruit which grew on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But Adam and Eve failed this test of obedience and trust in God by eating the forbidden fruit. They committed the first sin—the original sin. In …
God’s first gift leading us to Christ was the creation of man. If God had not created our first parents, there would have been no need for God to become man in order to save us. Why not?… Because there would have been no humans to be saved from sin and eternal death, and there would have been no humans …
God’s action in the Old Testament revealed His omnipotence—His divine power—and proved that He is always faithful to His people. In the Old Testament, God’s people learned the truth of His almighty power in Creation. This reminded the people that God always remains with His people to protect and help them. His powerful and victorious deeds show that He keeps …
God’s all-powerful action for our Salvation is seen especially in Christ’s Resurrection from the dead. Though man was made by God in a state of holiness, he rebelled against God of his own free will, being tempted to do so by the devil. In order to free man from the slavery of sin and to make him holy once more, …
We should regard Creation as the continuing action of God, from the beginning till the end of time, as He brings about the Salvation of men and their destiny. When we think about the creation of the angels, the universe, and mankind, we should see it as a part of God’s all-powerful action at work in the Salvation of mankind. …
God’s saving deeds are seen in the history of man and of the world, especially in the life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus, His Incarnate Son. God was present in ancient Israel through the covenants He made with man. These covenants included the original covenant God made with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (Gen 2:7-8, 15-17), the …