What are God’s perfections?

AFC Team

The attributes of God are His perfections; that is, things such as infinite goodness, eternal, all-knowing, all-present, almighty.

Is God infinitely good?

AFC Team

God is infinitely good. His goodness is limitless, as are all of His perfections.

Is God eternal?

AFC Team

God is eternal. This is true because He always was, is now, and always will be.

Why is God all-knowing?

AFC Team

God is all-knowing because He knows all things in the past, present, and future, as well as all potential things. God knows all things that are or ever could be. Everything is like one thought in the mind of God. Therefore, we say God is all-knowing.

Is God present everywhere?

AFC Team

God is present everywhere, all the time. There is no place where God is not.

Is God almighty?

AFC Team

God is almighty because He can do and make anything which is good and non-contradictory. Thus, God cannot commit sin because He cannot contradict His infinite goodness. Nor can He violate the principle of non-contradiction, which states that a thing cannot both be and not be at the same time.