What did God’s action in the Old Testament reveal and prove to us?

AFC Team

God’s action in the Old Testament revealed His omnipotence—His divine power—and proved that He is always faithful to His people. In the Old Testament, God’s people learned the truth of His almighty power in Creation. This reminded the people that God always remains with His people to protect and help them. His powerful and victorious deeds show that He keeps …

How should we regard Creation?

AFC Team

We should regard Creation as the continuing action of God, from the beginning till the end of time, as He brings about the Salvation of men and their destiny. When we think about the creation of the angels, the universe, and mankind, we should see it as a part of God’s all-powerful action at work in the Salvation of mankind. …

How was God especially present in the history of man?

AFC Team

God’s saving deeds are seen in the history of man and of the world, especially in the life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus, His Incarnate Son. God was present in ancient Israel through the covenants He made with man. These covenants included the original covenant God made with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (Gen 2:7-8, 15-17), the …

How is God present to us in our own day?

AFC Team

God continues to be present to us in our day through His New Covenant with man, and by using His unlimited power to help us. His saving work will be finished only at the end of the world. The most important events in the history of the world are the life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus. It is through these …