What was the Original Sin?

AFC Team

Adam, the first man, abused his freedom by disobeying and rejecting God’s care. He wanted to search for happiness in his own way. This, coupled with the sin of Eve, was the Original Sin. God created man in a state of holiness, but man abused his freedom as a result of Satan’s temptation. He defied God and sought happiness apart …

Why are all men conceived and born in Original Sin?

AFC Team

When Adam sinned, he lost original holiness and justice. He cut himself off from God, and his human nature was harmed in its natural powers, and sickness and death entered his life. In losing these gifts, he could not pass them on to his descendants. As a result, people are born into this world separated from their loving Father and …

What happens in Baptism?

AFC Team

In Baptism, God unites our soul to Himself. God’s love, the Holy Spirit, is poured into our soul. Our soul is lifted to a new kind of life which is a sharing in God’s own life. Although Baptism gives us the supernatural gift of sanctifying grace, it does not bring us some special gifts which Adam and Eve alone received, …

Was anyone exempt from Original Sin?

AFC Team

The Blessed Virgin Mary was chosen to be the Mother of the Son of God, and thus she was preserved, from the very first moment of her conception, from the spiritual darkness of Original Sin. She was always united with God; her soul was flooded with His love. We call this privilege her Immaculate Conception. The Church celebrates this great …