What are some of the basic gifts given by God to the Catholic Church?

AFC Team

Some of the basic gifts given by God to the Catholic Church are: (1) the apostolic ministries of bishops, priests, and deacons, (2) the truths of the Faith, and (3) the Seven Sacraments. 1. Among the basic gifts given by God to the Catholic Church are the apostolic ministries of bishops, priests, and deacons. Christ gave the Apostles and their …

What are the two sources of divine truth which constitute the truths of the faith?

AFC Team

The two sources of Divine Truth are: (1) Holy Scripture and (2) Sacred Tradition (also known as Apostolic Tradition or simply Tradition). 1. One source of Divine Truth is Holy Scripture. Holy Scripture (or the Bible) is the collection of books accepted as definitive by the Catholic Church. Sacred Scripture is the authentic, inspired record of the revelations made to …

Are there other gifts of the Church besides the truths of the faith and the sacraments?

AFC Team

Yes, the other gifts of the Church besides the truths of the faith and the sacraments are the ministries inherited from the Apostles (cf. Q. 140). St. Peter was Christ’s chief ambassador on earth. The whole Church was entrusted to his care. The Apostles shared their responsibility with others, called bishops. Today the Church continues, through the Pope and its …

By means of these gifts, what does the Catholic Church do for mankind?

AFC Team

By means of these gifts, the Catholic Church can act and grow as a community in Christ, by serving men and giving them His saving word and activity. The Catholic Church is nourished by God’s saving truth, the sacraments, and the apostolic ministry. Through these gifts, the Church Militant (the Church on earth) is able to grow and to continue …