Does the Catholic Church have leaders?

AFC Team

Yes, in God’s plan, the Catholic Church is a hierarchical society. It is a people guided by its bishops, who are in union with the Pope, the Bishop of Rome. By means of the Sacrament of Holy Orders, bishops (the successors of the Apostles) and priests have received the powers of Jesus Christ. Bishops and priests, together with deacons, are …

Who is the Holy Father, the Pope?

AFC Team

Our Holy Father, the Pope, the Bishop of Rome, is the Vicar of Christ. He is the successor of Peter and holds the office of supreme authority over all the Church, appointed by Christ for the guidance and care of His flock. The Pope is the head of the College of Bishops. Our Lord solemnly told Peter he was to …

Who are the bishops of the Church?

AFC Team

The Pope is the successor of St. Peter; the Catholic bishops are the successors of the Apostles. Collectively, the bishops constitute what is known as the Episcopal College, with the Pope as its head. Christ made the Apostles as a stable group, or college. They were jointly responsible for spreading the Gospel of Christ in the whole world. To the …

What are the chief responsibilities of the Pope and bishops of the Catholic Church?

AFC Team

The chief responsibilities of the Pope and the bishops are to teach, sanctify, and govern the People of God. This authority and power was given to them by Jesus, beginning with that received by St. Peter and the other Apostles. After His Resurrection, Jesus demanded of Peter a profession of love. “He said to him the third time, ‘Simon, son …

Who directs Christ’s work in the Catholic Church?

AFC Team

The Pope and the bishops direct Christ’s work in the Catholic Church, in every rite and diocese. The Pope is chief representative of Christ in the Church; he is its principal symbol of unity. The Pope is chief representative of Christ in the Church; he is its principal symbol of unity. He enjoys the primacy of jurisdiction over the Church …