Why is the unity of Christians in faith and love God’s will?

AFC Team

Christian unity in faith and love is God’s will because Jesus prayed that all who believe in Him should be one, in order that the whole world would know that His Father sent Him. The night before He suffered His Passion and death, Jesus prayed for Christian unity. “I do not pray for these only, but also for those who …

How is Christian unity promoted by Catholics?

AFC Team

In order to promote Christian unity, Catholics should take the first steps in seeking to overcome the unfortunate divisions existing between Christians. They should strive to make Christians more faithful to Christ and to be effective witnesses to the truths received from the Apostles. The Church is one because there is only one Jesus, Who communicates the same life of …

Why should we respect all men of good will?

AFC Team

We should respect all men of good will because man was created for God in His image and likeness; as a human being he possesses a special dignity and value. Man, having a spiritual soul and being a more perfect image of God, has dominion over all other earthly creatures. He has a free will and is immortal. For these …