How does the Christian family show the Savior’s living presence in the world?

AFC Team

The Christian family shows the Savior’s living presence in the world through (1) the mutual love of the husband and wife, (2) the spouses’ generous fruitfulness, (3) their fidelity and unity, and (4) the loving relationships among its members. 1. The Christian family shows the Savior’s living presence in the world through the mutual love of husband and wife. The …

What is the purpose of conjugal love and family life?

AFC Team

Conjugal love, and the family life which results from it, have this purpose: that the married couple be ready to cooperate generously with the love of the Creator and the Savior, Who through them will increase and enrich His own family day by day. The most complete expression of the unity of the spouses is the sexual act, the fulfillment …

What is every family’s calling?

AFC Team

Every family’s calling is to share their lives with one another, with deep love and respect according to the Will of God. The family, or the domestic church, is the most sacred of all societies. In His love for us, God gives us life and the care we need as children through our parents. Character, beliefs, thoughts, and virtues should …