How do we know the duties which flow from love of God and man?

AFC Team

We know the duties that flow from the love of God and man by: (1) the Ten Commandments of God, (2) the Sermon on the Mount, especially in the Beatitudes, (3) the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy, (4) the Theological and Cardinal Virtues, and (5) the laws of the Church. 1. We know the duties that flow from the …

What can be said in general about a Christian’s duties toward God?

AFC Team

We have the life-long duty, as Christians, to love and serve God. This means: (1) we must put the will of God first on the list of our personal values, and keep it there throughout our lives; (2) our attitude towards God must be that of a devoted son or daughter towards an all-loving Father; (3) we must never think …

How do we sin against God’s honor?

AFC Team

We sin against God’s honor: (1) by putting anyone or anything in God’s place, (2) by blaspheming God or perjuring ourselves, (3) by failing to show respect for persons, places, and things consecrated especially to God, (4) by atheism, heresy, and schism, and (5) by missing Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation. 1. We sin against God’s honor …