What is the wish of the Catholic Church concerning devotion to Mary?

AFC Team

The Catholic Church encourages that special veneration be given to Mary. This honor is due to her as Mother of Christ, as Mother of the Church, and as our spiritual Mother. This veneration is to be shown to others by word and example. Pope Paul VI solemnly brought the third session of Vatican Council II to a close on November …

Why should a Christian face death with courage and joy?

AFC Team

We have good reason to face death with courage and joy because: (1) Christ’s Resurrection has conquered death; (2) in the risen Christ we live, die, and shall live again; and (3) we look forward to our homecoming with God our loving Father. 1. We have good reason to face death with courage and joy because Christ’s Resurrection has conquered …

What is the particular judgment?

AFC Team

At the very instant that the soul leaves the body, it is judged by Christ. This is the particular judgment. If we die with no sins on our soul which require atonement or satisfaction, the immediate sight of God in Heaven will itself be our judgment.

What is hell?

AFC Team

Hell is the eternal separation from God. The person who dies in the state of mortal sin has deliberately torn himself from God during life and has died without that bond of union with God which we call sanctifying grace. He has no means by which to establish contact with God and has lost Him forever. He is in Hell. …