What takes place when a person accepts the Spirit of Christ?

AFC Team

When a person accepts the Spirit of Christ, he receives the power to become an adopted child of God. He truly shares in God’s own divine nature and in the communion of the divine Persons. He is then led by God to a new way of life. The power to become God’s child is called sanctifying grace. All three Persons …

What is sanctifying grace?

AFC Team

Sanctifying or habitual grace is a gift of God enabling us to be holy and pleasing to God. It confers on us a true share in God’s own divine nature and the communion of the divine Persons. By sanctifying grace, our souls participate and share in God’s very own life even while we live on earth. This grace helps us …

What does this new life of sanctifying grace do for man?

AFC Team

This new life of sanctifying grace gives man the ability to participate and share in God’s own life, uniting him to the Father and to Christ in a union of love that not even death can separate. Jesus said, “If a man loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to …

What does God’s gift of grace do for us?

AFC Team

God’s gift of grace: (1) helps us to overcome sin and live with God, (2) enables us to be closely united to the Blessed Trinity through the Theological Virtues, and (3) helps us to live as adopted children of God. 1. God’s gift of grace (especially actual grace) helps us to overcome sin and live with God. The grace we …