What is the difference between a plenary and a partial indulgence?

AFC Team

A plenary indulgence is a complete release from the temporal punishment due for sins already forgiven. Only one plenary indulgence may be obtained each day. A partial indulgence removes part of the temporal punishment due for sins already forgiven. Several partial indulgences may be obtained each day.

What are the conditions for gaining an indulgence?

AFC Team

The conditions for gaining a plenary indulgence are: a. One must be baptized and in the state of grace. b. One must receive Holy Communion each time a plenary indulgence is sought. c. One must go to confession several days preceding or following the indulgenced action. A single sacramental confession suffices for gaining several plenary indulgences. d. One must have …

What is an indulgence?

AFC Team

An indulgence is the Church’s special intercession with God for the remission of temporal punishment due to sin which has already been forgiven.

What are sacramentals?

AFC Team

Sacramentals are blessings, ceremonies, or religious articles instituted by the Church for our use, in order to increase our devotion and to aid in our Salvation. The difference between sacraments and sacramentals is that the sacraments were instituted by Jesus Christ; they give grace to our souls by their own power. The sacramentals were instituted by the Church and are …

What is the effect of the sacramentals?

AFC Team

By the proper use of sacramentals, men are disposed to receive the chief effect of the sacraments, and various occasions in life are rendered holy.

What are some of the sacramentals?

AFC Team

Some of the sacramentals are: (a) the consecration and dedication of churches; (b) the blessing pronounced on men and women who enter a religious brotherhood or sisterhood; (c) the blessing given in the Nuptial Mass to the bride; (d) the blessing given to a mother after childbirth; (e) the Sign of the Cross; and (f) various blessed articles, like Rosaries, …

What is the Sacrament of Baptism?

AFC Team

Baptism is the sacrament through which we are: (1) reborn as children of God, (2) united with Jesus into His death and Resurrection, (3) cleansed of Original Sin and personal sins, and (4) welcomed into the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ. Baptism is the sacrament through which we are reborn as children of God. Baptism is directed toward our …

What relationship with God is begun at Baptism?

AFC Team

Baptism (1) permanently relates us to God as His adopted children, and (2) joins us to Christ’s priesthood and His prophetic and kingly mission. 1. Baptism permanently relates us to God as His adopted children. This relationship or bond can never be erased. Baptism is directed toward acquiring the fullness of life in Christ, that is, toward a complete profession …

What is the Sacrament of Confirmation?

AFC Team

Confirmation is a sacrament that confirms or strengthens the life of the Spirit which was given to us at Baptism. In virtue of this sacrament, the faithful are obliged to spread and defend the Faith as true witnesses of Christ. The principal sign of Confirmation is made by the bishop or priest, when he lays his hand upon the forehead …