What are some examples of partial indulgences?

AFC Team

The following are examples of actions that meet one of the conditions for gaining a partial indulgence (also see question 214): (a) If one of the faithful, while doing his duty and bearing the burdens of life, lifts his heart to God with humble trust, adding, if only mentally, a pious invocation; or (b) if he, with a spirit of …

What is an indulgence?

AFC Team

An indulgence is the Church’s special intercession with God for the remission of temporal punishment due to sin which has already been forgiven.

How does the Church have the power to grant indulgences?

AFC Team

Making use of her power to minister the redemption of Christ, the Church intervenes to dispense the treasure of the superabundant merits of Christ and the saints, to the faithful who are rightly disposed, for the remission of temporal punishment due their sins.

What are the conditions for gaining an indulgence?

AFC Team

The conditions for gaining a plenary indulgence are: a. One must be baptized and in the state of grace. b. One must receive Holy Communion each time a plenary indulgence is sought. c. One must go to confession several days preceding or following the indulgenced action. A single sacramental confession suffices for gaining several plenary indulgences. d. One must have …

What is the difference between a plenary and a partial indulgence?

AFC Team

A plenary indulgence is a complete release from the temporal punishment due for sins already forgiven. Only one plenary indulgence may be obtained each day. A partial indulgence removes part of the temporal punishment due for sins already forgiven. Several partial indulgences may be obtained each day.