Why is the “Our Father” a prayer of perfect and unselfish love?

AFC Team

The “Our Father” is a prayer of perfect and unselfish love because it is the prayer that God’s Incarnate Son taught us. In saying the Our Father, we offer ourselves entirely to the Father and ask Him for the best things, not only for ourselves, but also for our neighbor. The Our Father summarizes the entire Gospel and praying it …

Why is Jesus the divine Model of prayer?

AFC Team

Jesus is the divine model of prayer because, by becoming man while remaining divine, He showed us by His example that we could draw close to God by prayer, since prayer played such an important part in His life. During the thirty years of His hidden life, Jesus lived an ordinary, quiet, and prayerful life. Subject to Mary and Joseph, …

What does Jesus do for properly prepared Catholics in the Eucharist?

AFC Team

In the Eucharist, Jesus nourishes properly prepared Catholics with His Body and Blood, the Bread of Life, so that they may become more pleasing to God and may be strengthened in their love of God and neighbor. In the Eucharist we become more pleasing to God. In this great celebration of our faith, we relive the experience of Jesus and …

Does Holy Communion unite our souls more closely to Jesus?

AFC Team

Yes, Holy Communion unites our souls to Jesus’ divine and human natures. It is an article of faith that the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar is truly, really, and substantially the Body and Blood of Christ, together with His soul and divinity. Therefore, when we receive Holy Communion, we receive the real, physical Body and Blood of Christ, together with …

Does Holy Communion increase our love for God?

AFC Team

Yes, Holy Communion is a source of the Theological Virtue of charity. The Holy Eucharist is the sacrament which most fittingly increases man’s love for God, because it was begun and inspired by God’s love for man. St. John pointed to that love when he wrote: “When Jesus knew that his hour had come to depart out of this world …

Does Holy Communion increase our love of neighbor?

AFC Team

Yes, since Holy Communion increases sanctifying grace in our souls, it also increases our love of neighbor. In Holy Communion, we are united directly to Jesus Christ, and through Him, to the Father and to the Holy Spirit, Who are in Him. We also are united with Him and through Him to all His members, and especially to those who …

Why is Holy Communion a pledge of future glory?

AFC Team

Holy Communion gives us a pledge of future glory because it establishes sacramental contact between Jesus Christ, Who reigns in glory, and ourselves on earth. The glory which is reserved for us in Heaven is twofold—the glory of the soul and the glory of the body. The glory of the soul consists in the Beatific Vision of God. God communicates …

Why does Jesus become present in the Holy Eucharist?

AFC Team

Jesus becomes present in the Holy Eucharist to renew the sacrifice of Calvary in an unbloody manner on our altars, to nourish our souls in Holy Communion, and to remain bodily among us by His Real Presence in our tabernacles. Faith teaches us that Jesus Christ is truly, really, and substantially present, Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity, under the veil …

Why is the Holy Eucharist reserved in our churches?

AFC Team

The Holy Eucharist is reserved in our churches in order to greatly enhance our adoration of Jesus and to increase our love for others. It is also reserved in the churches in order to be taken to the sick. The Jewish Passover of the Old Covenant was a symbol of the Holy Eucharist of the New Covenant. Jesus surpassed and …